The common story line of this year’s playoff rematch between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals is the history between the two clubs.
The Pittsburgh Penguins have thrived against the Washington Capitals in recent meetings. Despite the success the Penguins have had however, it doesn’t guarantee a Pittsburgh victory.
Devil In The Details
Don’t get me wrong, I do think this year’s Pens are a (slightly) better team than the Caps and should end Ovechkin’s season once again. However, it is no slam dunk, and neither were the past playoff series victories the Pens have had. Almost every game of each series was tight (except a few blowouts either way) and had big moments. The Pens did ultimately prevail, but not by blowing the Caps out of the rink.

Pittsburgh Penguins
Which is why I am scratching my head at the “Pens in four!” narrative. Hey, I’m a big fan, and as I am writing this, the Pens have not lost a game to the Caps in the series yet (ok, it’s Saturday before Game 2, but still…). I would absolutely love to see a Pens sweep – the Caps are not a hated enemy like the Flyers, but man do they over-celebrate, over-hype, and over-react to..well EVERYTHING that happens on the ice. Hey Ovie, when you snap a snipe to the top corner and beat the goalie clean – act like you’ve done it before. That gang spends more time playing to the crowd and cameras than a bunch of reality TV stars.
So yeah, I want to see them done after this series. Watching them swallow the bitter pill of losing to the Pens..again..just makes it sweeter. But where was I? Oh yeah, this will not be easy for the Pens. Here is why (and spoiler alert, why they will win again)…
Caps Fly Higher Than the Flyers
Say what you want about the history between these teams, but the Caps have faster, stronger, and better players than the Flyers. I watched some of the Capitals-Blue Jackets series and it was 100% up-tempo playoff hockey. Each game in that series was an arm-wrestling match played on steroids and it was actually fun to watch. A little. I don’t like watching other teams because I don’t like any other teams. Except Vegas. A little. But that too may pass in a couple weeks.
Anyway, it took us six games to down the Flyers, and despite the first game blowout, the series was not over until it was over. Yes, the better team won, but it wasn’t as easy as it could have been. And the Capitals are no Flyers. I luckily predicted the Pens in six games over the Flyers, so you might be hanging on my master prediction this time. Don’t bother – this is a Craps shoot (pun slightly intended).
History Does Matter
So all the time I spent poo-pooing the playoff history between these teams – and you will hear the same from players and coaches on both sides – it DOES matter. Why? Simple, if the Caps DO get a chance to eliminate the Pens in this series, they will have voices in their heads reminding them of all the blown chances to beat the Pens in the playoffs. If they don’t here the voices in their heads, they will hear them on every radio, TV, podcast, and streaming media outlet there is. Like it or not, it’s there – the Caps futility against the Pens is the story of the series. Will it motivate the Caps? Of course. Will it cause them stress and self-doubt in the moment of truth? Of course it will.
Imagine Game 7, with the Caps holding a 2-goal lead in the third period. They might be feeling good, then the Pens score a goal to make it 2-1. Tell me they won’t all be thinking, “Oh crap. Here we go again.”
Of course they will. That’s why it will be Penguins in seven games.